Thursday, April 30, 2009

Takani Megumi

Megumi was born in December 1857 during the Bakumatsu period of Japan. That would make her twenty-two years old during the start of the anime. Like the rest of her family, she is adept at "rangaku" (Literally "Dutch learning") medicine, although she mixes this Western learning with Eastern medicine as well. The fact that Megumi bore the last name 'Takani' spoke of her family's higher class level - peasants during that time were forbidden to carry family names. Megumi was portrayed both in the anime and in the manga as having long, dark hair and dark eyes. In the anime particularly, she usually wore a blue haori worn over a lavender kimono.

Sometimes, Megumi appears to have fox ears popping out of her head, an allusion to her nickname kitsune, which means "fox". Sanosuke especially likes to call her kitsune-onna meaning Fox Lady, though Yahiko and Kaoru sometimes call her this as well. The nickname actually has two meanings: 'Fox' to describe Megumi's wily ways and 'fox' as in a compliment - "foxy lady" or beautiful woman.Like Kaoru, Megumi is a strong-willed woman, but she is also depicted as a more mature and cunning compared to the younger Kaoru.


  1. Bahasa indonesia ngapa 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
